Raven enables situational awareness and commander collaboration starting at the incident level and instantly transmitted to all other authorized decision makers on the Raven network.
Information sharing tightly controlled
Directly impacts decision-making at all levels of Command & Control.
An Incident Command System (ICS)/National Incident Management System (NIMS) - based toolset; rooted in ICS/NIMS structure, processes, and procedures.
“Compressing the decision cycle from 12 hours to 12 minutes.”
Raven is not:
Not a GIS for sophisticated modeling but a tool for creating a common operating picture.
Not a high tech mapping tool that takes a long time to learn and use. Raven is designed for simplicity and ease of operation to build fast opeational maps and create situational awareness
Not a closed proprietary system that limits new functionality, inputs, or apps
Not in competion with WebEOC but rather complimentary
Raven is at the incident level, point of the sword, primarily graphic and visual
Key Features
Multiple incident types
Multiple Collaboration Rooms Per Incident with Public and Private Chat.
Selection of base maps.
Multiple data layers – import & export of common GIS file types – ESRI shape, KML, KMZ – WFS,WMS, ARCGISREST.
Simple drawing tools with symbols, line, and polygon styles.
Measure distance and areas.
Geolocation tools and products – Lat/Long/USNGS -AVL & PLI.
Advantages of Raven
Simple to learn and use
Allows online collaboration in near-real time
Provides ability to operate from multiple remote locations (anywhere in the world that you can access the internet)
Reduces the information cycle time from hours to minutes
Provides customized access and views with the creation of rooms… tailored views for specific ICS functions or target audiences
Easy to Configure - Open or Confidential Work Areas
Open source
Users access data regardless of organization using a standard web browser
Can handle thousands of concurrent users and hundreds of concurrent incidents
Creates a permanent record of information developed during an incident that is fully discoverable
Provides a platform for rapid development of shared understanding, decision making and distribution of tailored information to incident stakeholders