
The Worldwide Incident Command Services Corporation (WICS) places a high priority on protecting everyone’s privacy.  This Privacy Policy was created to provide users and user organizations participating in the Raven Web Environment awareness of what information we collect and what is done with it when you log into the Raven Web Environment or similarly use any WICS Services.

What Personally Identifiable Information Is Collected?

When a user applies for a Raven user account, we collect First and Last name, Email Address, Phone contact information, Home Organization name, and Password.  All of this information is provided to a WICS manager for certification that the user is authorized by his home organization to qualify for an account.  Similarly, if the organization has designated one of its personnel to act as the delegated Raven Administrative Officer, then this information is sent to that person who can approve the user application. 

Email addresses and Passwords are used to log into the Raven Web Environment on each occasion.  Once a user has logged into the Raven application, WICS managers can see that that user is logged in, which incident (if any) the user is participating in, and what collaboration rooms the user is visiting and/or working.

Other users logged into Raven can also see who else is in the environment, identified by First and Last Name and Organization.

As a designed feature of Raven, any content that a user creates (e.g., a drawing; a chat message; the creation of other content; etc.) is tagged with the user’s name and 

can be seen by anyone authorized to be in the collaboration room where that content was created.

Similarly, as a designed feature of Raven, all actions by all users are collected and logged into the Raven server and can be retrieved at a later date. Such data could be used for creating training events, analyzing actions during a real event, or discovery during a legal proceeding.

How Is This Information Protected?

All information and data used in the Raven environment is protected using advanced security procedures provided by the Amazon Cloud.  A description of this can be found at

Other Uses of Personal Information

Occasionally WICS will send electronic communications to users concerning the operation of Raven, new features, exercise information, evolving best practices, and case studies, as examples.  WICS does not have marketing activities and no communications to users will involve marketing.

Evolution of the Privacy Policy

We may amend this policy from time to time and will alert users when modifications are made so they may review any new policy points.
