Terms of Service

Welcome to WICS and the Raven Emergency Management Platform Web Environment!

Thank you for using Raven Tools, Technologies, CONOPS (concepts of operation) and Services (“Services”).  These Services are provided by the Worldwide Incident Command Services Corporation (WICS), a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, and Official Department of Homeland Security S & T Technology Transition Partner, via the Raven Web Environment web site.

Raven is an advanced version of the NICS (Next-Generation Incident Command System) application. 

By using these Services as a function of logging into the Raven web site, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and conditions below.  Please read these carefully.  You indicate your understanding and agreement when you register and log into the Raven Web Environment.

Our services are diverse and under continual change and improvement, so sometimes additional terms or product requirements may apply.  Additional terms will be noted with the relevant Services when logging into the web environment, and those additional terms will become part of your agreement with us if you use those Services.

The following constitutes our Terms of Service with individual and organizational users.

Limitation of Liability

The Raven Web Environment is provided “As Is.”

All users and user organizations agree that the Raven Web Environment is provided “As Is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to, any warranty that the Raven Web Environment will conform to specifications, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or freedom from infringement.  It is without any warranty of any kind that the Raven Web Environment will be error free, or any warranty that any documentation, user manuals, training videos, or all other documentation in any form, if provided, will conform to the Raven Web Environment.

In no event shall the WICS Corporation, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, its Directors, Officers, Employees, Agents, and Associates be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including economic damage

or injury to property and lost profits, regardless of whether WICS shall be advised, shall have other reason to know, or in fact shall know of the possibility.

In no event shall WICS, its contractors or subcontractors, be liable for any damages, including but not limited to Direct, Indirect, Special, or Consequential damages, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way connected with the Raven Web Environment or the services provided by WICS personnel or any other provided documentation, whether or not based upon warranty, contract, tort, or otherwise, whether or not injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or not loss was sustained from, or arose out of the results of, or use of, the Raven Web Environment or any provided documentation.

WICS disclaims all warranties and liabilities regarding third party software, if present in the Raven Web Environment, and distributes it “As Is.”

Users of the Raven Web Environment, individuals and organizations, agree to waive any and all claims against WICS and its contractors and subcontractors, for any liabilities, demands, expenses, or losses that may arise from user’s use of the Raven Web Environment or provided documentation, including any liabilities or damages from products based on, or resulting from, the use thereof.

Shared Information & Data

The Raven Software Web Application is designed and intended to create a collaborative environment enabling users to easily create and share information and data among themselves.  Any content a user or user organization creates and adds to this collaborative environment (for example, drawings, photographs, videos, text, and all other information and data) is done so with the expectation that it could be shared, consumed, and otherwise used by other users in the environment.

In all cases it is the intention that the only users that gain access into a specific part of the collaborative environment are authorized users with a right to be there.  All users have a responsibility to be aware of the collaborative environment and how it is being used and to report any unusual or suspicious activities to WICS personnel.

Information and data from third party sources is generally owned and provided by that user.  WICS makes every attempt to determine the accuracy or pedigree of that information and data but in the end it cannot guarantee the accuracy and pedigree of data provided by others.
